So This is (my) Life…


I’m Annika. I’m 32 years old and I am a SAHM and wife. I have s 5 year old son and a daughter that is 21 months old. I have been married to Seth, my high school sweetheart, for almost 8 years. As I’m sitting here writing, I can hear my two little ones playing in the playroom and I am wondering how long I have until they come in my “office” again. And by my “office” I mean whatever room I can find a moment of peace and (somewhat) quiet. Haha I love spending time on Pinterest to get ideas for decorating, beauty tips, organizing and kid stuff. I have also found a couple blogs that I enjoy keeping up with, and they got me thinking. Maybe I could start a blog. After this thought, the following thoughts also came to mind: What would I write about? Would I actually keep up with it? Who would want to read it? WOULD anyone read it? After I let the doubt and worry wash over me, I let it go and decided to write the blog. I decided to write it for me. I like to write, I need an outlet sometimes, and I think it would give me a sense of accomplishment. And, if a long the way others find it interesting and decide to read it, great!

So, what do I want to do with this blog? I want to be honest and share the day-to-day happenings of my life. There’s actually quite a bit that goes on around here, usually thanks to my little ones 🙂 They definitely keep life interesting. I am hoping that through this blog and I help other women at the same stage in life. Being a SAHM is not always easy (and I’ll be honest, some days I am not grateful for it) but, in the end, I enjoy it and would not want to be doing anything else at such an important time in my kids lives. That being said, I have been a wife for almost 8 years and a mom for 5. There have been up and downs in this journey and I have spent a lot of time (probably too much) second-guessing myself and feeling guilty for not being that perfect-dinner on the table-house clean-laundry done-did crafts with the kids-completed a new Pinterest project-spent QT with my husband-found time for myself-and captured every precious moment on film kind of woman! I have beat myself up about this a lot. I am just starting to realize that I am not the only one that feels this way AND that it’s ok to not be that super woman. I still question if she even exists 🙂 Some women may appear to have it all and have it together, but they have there struggles and hard days too. I think one of my friends said it best when she was describing Facebook, “It’s a place for real people to be fake.” No one is going to post the REAL stuff ALL the time. We tend do just put the happy, fun, exciting parts of life on FB. The things we’re proud of. SO, it is easy to sit there scrolling down your newsfeed and feeling like you are less than you should be.

SO… I hope that with this blog I can provide some insight into my REAL life as a wife and mom and share it all: the good, the bad, the ugly. I know that it has been nice to have a girlfriend that can relate to my situation and remind me that I am not screwing it all up or doing a good job. All moms go through the same kind of stuff. So I hope that I can be that for someone else through writing this. So, this is MY life…

3 thoughts on “So This is (my) Life…

  1. awesome annika! go you! you are so right. every mom feels this way at some point or another. it took me about 5 years…just in time for my oldest to start school before i felt like i got the hang of the staying at home thing. its hard work! harder than any job i’ve ever had! now i only have one at home most days as the other two are in school….and yet i still have days (after almost 8 years of being mom) where i just feel like i’ve wasted my day or failed in being mom. it happens! but…like you said, we aren’t perfect, nor do our kiddos expect us to be:) i’m so thankful for all the time i get with my boys and just do my best to live for the moment with them. enjoy each day as it comes. if the dishes are done that day, oh well! if the kids dont’ get a bath for the week! oh well! lol:) we had fun anyhow i am sure! i am sure you will touch many moms through this blog and i wish you the best with it! 🙂

  2. What a great idea to start a blog! You have a follower in me. 🙂 I think we are all super-moms but in our own way. Some days we get more accomplished than others and some days we need a good cry, but in the end it is worth being at home with the little ones.

  3. Hi Annika,
    You are a good writer cause it is from the heart. A Christian young lady you are and God will bless you. You and Seth are great
    parents and adorable children. Hang in there

    Love Wilma

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